Water is Liquid Gold
Due to the science of vacuum, our toilets use only 0.8 liters of water per flush, compared to as much as 8 -10 liters of water that is used in a conventional toilet and 6-8 liters in high efficiency fresh water flushing toilets. This huge fresh water saving is at the heart of our philosophy. Rather then using large amounts of water to flush our toilets, and then spend lots of resources in trying to chemically treat and reuse it, we believe that being proactive by reducing its input is the only way forward for this planet.
Transportation of Sewage
As our vacuum systems generate only about 10% of the sewage it becomes possible for us to use our vacuum piping to transport sewage to the correct treatment and disposal points. Due to the traditional gravity based toilet systems, a surprising large amount of sewage in India is dumped in open pits or discharged untreated into the sea because the municipality cannot transport the slug uphill to the main sewage pipes and treatment plants. The Samatech Solution not only saves the fresh water used, but consequently we reduce the sewage which in turn allows us to transport it to the correct destination.
Our Partner
The knowledge and experience of our Partner is our greatest strength. Jetsâ„¢ is the world leader in Vacuum Sanitation and their product has been globally tested and proven for the past 30 years. Given their expertise and partnership, Samatech is able to offer a turn-key solution with sophisticated and smart transport, installation, and support.